Flexible Wedding Videography Package
We understand that you may want something quite specific in terms of coverage and/or not need your full day covered. With this in mind, we are now offering a tailored package available Sunday to Thursday all year. If the diary permits, we will consider weekends for this package so please do get in touch.
Below are a few highlights films from some smaller wedding days so feel free to take a look.
01 Ceremony Package
3 camera coverage of your wedding ceremony.
- Arrival 1-2 hours before ceremony.
- Cinematic introduction shots of your venue.
- Arrival of the guests.
- Arrival of the bridal party.
- Full coverage of your ceremony.
- One hour of post ceremony coverage.
- Digital delivery and online access.
- HD and 4K download options.
Price: £800
Additional Options
Some amazing additional options.
- One of our bespoke highlights films with social media options - £350 - Includes coverage until speeches
- Morning Preparations - £50
- Express Ceremony delivery online within 24 hours - £75
- Presentation box with USB and a selection of stills from the day - £60
- Additional filming (for example speeches) - Priced by requirements.